Legal Notice

1. Owner of the Website: 

The owner of the website (hereinafter, the Website) is IBERPAPEL, S.L.U., with registered office at Polígono Industrial “La Creueta” s/n, 03827, Benimarfull (Alicante), duly registered in the Companies Register of Alicante in Volume 2970, Folio 141, Section 8, Sheet A-14.024 and with NIF: B03406485 (hereinafter IBEROLLINGPAPERS). IBEROLLINGPAPERS). 

You can contact IBEROLLINGPAPERS directly at the email address or at the phone numbers +34 965 375 840 | +34 684 736 298

2. The Website:

Through the Website, IBEROLLINGPAPERS provides free access to corporate information and content related to the business activity consisting of the production and marketing of cigarette papers.

No procurement of products and / or services can be made through the Web Site, as the Web Site is for the promotion of products and / or services of IBEROLLINGPAPERS only. You can contact IBEROLLINGPAPERS through the forms provided for the purpose of requesting information.

3. Processing of the data provided: 

If you are interested in contacting IBEROLLINGPAPERS or subscribing to its Newsletter, you must provide updated, complete, accurate and truthful data, which will be treated in accordance with the provisions of the Privacy Policy. 

4. Use of the Website: 

4.1. Language: 

The content provided on the Website can be found in English and Spanish.

4.2. Proper use of the Website: 

By accessing the Website you agree at all times to make proper use of the resources that IBEROLLINGPAPERS puts at your disposal as provided herein, and respecting at all times morality, public order, good customs and the law, without causing damage to the physical and logical systems of  IBEROLLINGPAPERS, or third parties. This also includes refraining from using such resources to engage in illegal activities, contrary to good faith or public order and/or to spread computer viruses or any other physical or logical systems on the network that are likely to cause damage.

You are solely responsibile for using the Website for the purposes intended by IBEROLLINGPAPERS and through the functionalities made available to you. Any other use of the Website will entitle IBEROLLINGPAPERS to suspend or block you from using it.

The use of screen scraping, web scraping or any other technique (programming or otherwise) to extract information or data hosted, stored or accessible on the Website is expressly prohibited, without the express written permission of IBEROLLINGPAPERS.

4.3. User participation: 

In the event that through the Website your participation is allowed through the publication of comments or the generation of content, it is absolutely forbidden to disseminate content or propaganda of an illegal, racist, or xenophobic nature. Nor is the following permitted: apology for terrorism, attempt against human rights, incitement of hatred, violation of the dignity of the person, or content of a libellous or slanderous nature, or against public order or public safety. 

IBEROLLINGPAPERS reserves the right to remove any comments and/or content that violate the above or are not suitable for publication on the Website.

 In no case will IBEROLLINGPAPERS be responsible for the opinions expressed or content posted by users through forums, chats, blogs or other participation tools that may be created, except expressly provided for by the applicable regulations.

5. Interruptions in the operation of the Website: 

IBEROLLINGPAPERS does not guarantee that there will be no interruptions or errors in accessing the Website. However, there is a firm commitment, as soon as IBEROLLINGPAPERS becomes aware of such incidents, to carry out all actions aimed at its restoration or repair, except when causes outside of IBEROLLINGPAPERS make it impossible or difficult to execute them.

6. Exemption from liability: 

IBEROLLINGPAPERS will not assume any responsibility:

– For problems arising from lack of access or problems inherent to Internet connectivity or electricity networks when these have their origin in causes beyond its control or causes that could not have been foreseen by the parties or that, even if foreseeable, IBEROLLINGPAPERS has made every reasonable effort to avoid them or that were considered as fortuitous causes or force majeure.

– For damages of any nature that may be caused to the physical (hardware) and logical (software) systems of the user or to the files or documents stored in them, as a result of the presence of viruses in the device of the user.

– For the lack of truthfulness, accuracy and / or validity of the data provided by the user. IBEROLLINGPAPERS has no obligation to monitor such data and / or information before, during or after being provided.

– For actions or omissions directly attributable to the user or third parties that depend directly on it.

– For the fact that the service does not meet the user’s expectations or does not meet the user’s needs.

– For non-compliance with the obligations incumbent upon the user.

– For the contents published by the collaborating authors, unless IBEROLLINGPAPERS has actual knowledge of its unlawfulness.

7. Intellectual and Industrial Property: 

All of the elements and/or contents published on the Website have been created by IBEROLLINGPAPERS or it has a license or authorization for its use. 

Therefore, all those elements and/or contents (such as: images, audio, video, software or texts; trademarks or logos, colour combinations, structure and design, applications necessary for its operation, access and use, etc.) and the exploitation rights over them, are of original or derivative ownership of IBEROLLINGPAPERS. 

Reproduction, distribution, public communication – including the mode of making it available – and transformation of all or part of the contents of the Website, in any medium and by any technical means, without the prior express written permission of IBEROLLINGPAPERS, is strictly forbidden. 

In the event of any of the prohibited actions indicated being carried out, you will be violating those intellectual or industrial property rights that correspond to IBEROLLINGPAPERS. Therefore, you agree to respect such rights, also refraining from deleting, altering, evading or manipulating any protection device or security system that was installed on the pages owned by IBEROLLINGPAPERS.

IBEROLLINGPAPERS offers the possibility of reporting any kind of violation of rights by any user or third party for any reason, communicating this circumstance by sending an email to the address above.

8. Links Policy:

8.1. Links from other websites: 

If you intend to establish a link from a website of another Internet portal to any of the web pages of IBEROLLINGPAPERS you must comply with the following conditions:

– The total or partial reproduction of any of the services or contents of the website is not allowed, nor the establishment of deep-links, IMG or image links, or frames with the Website, without prior express written authorization.

– No false, inaccurate or incorrect statement shall be made about the Web Site, or about the services or contents thereof. Except for those signs that are part of the link, the web page in which it is established shall not contain any trademark, trade name, store sign, name, logo, slogan or other distinctive signs belonging to IBEROLLINGPAPERS, unless expressly authorized by it.

– The establishment of the link does not imply the existence of any relationship between IBEROLLINGPAPERS and the owner of the website or portal from which it is made, nor the knowledge and acceptance of IBEROLLINGPAPERS of the services and content offered on that website or portal.

– IBEROLLINGPAPERS will not be responsible for the contents or services made available to the public on the website or portal from which the hyperlink is made, nor for the information and statements included in them.

8.2. Links to other websites: 

The IBEROLLINGPAPERS website can make links to other websites managed and controlled by third parties available to the user, with the sole function of facilitating the search for information, content and services on the Internet, to users, without in any case it being considered that IBEROLLINGPAPERS markets, directs, controls or owns the content, services, information and statements available on these websites. 

IBEROLLINGPAPERS does not assume any responsibility, even indirectly or subsidiarily, for the contents, information, communications, opinions or services linked from those websites not managed by IBEROLLINGPAPERS and that are accessible through the Web, nor does it guarantee the absence of viruses or other elements in them that may cause alterations in the computer system (hardware and software), documents or user files, excluding any liability for damages of any kind caused to the user for this reason.

9. Non-Compliance. Right of Exclusion: 

Any breach of these terms of use shall be liable to prosecution, as well as any misuse of the Website, and IBEROLLINGPAPERS may perform any legal action that may correspond to it in defense of its legitimate interests. 

IBEROLLINGPAPERS reserves the right to deny or withdraw access to the Website, without prior notice, at its own behest or at the request of a third party, to those users who violate these terms and conditions, without prejudice of bringing any illegal behaviour of the user to the attention of the competent authorities.

10. Modification of these terms: 

IBEROLLINGPAPERS may modify at any time the terms determined herein, being duly published as they appear here. The validity of these terms of use will depend on their exposure and will be in force until they are modified by others duly published.

11. Applicable Law: 

These terms of use shall be governed by Spanish law.

Updated on June 2022