Privacy Policy

1. Information about the person responsible for the processing of personal data:

The person responsible for the processing of the data collected is IBERPAPEL, S.L.U., with registered office at Polígono Industrial “La Creueta” s/n, 03827, Benimarfull (Alicante), duly registered in the Companies Register of Alicante in Volume 2970, Folio 141, Section 8, Page A-14.024 and with NIF: B03406485 (hereinafter IBEROLLINGPAPERS).

You can contact directly and effectively with IBEROLLINGPAPERS in relation to this privacy policy in the email address or phone numbers +34 965 375 840 | +34 684 736 298

2. Processing of personal data through the IBEROLLINGPAPERS website:

IBEROLLINGPAPERS, as Data Controller, as it decides how and for what purpose the data collected is processed, will collect the IP of the device from which you connect, and your name and your email address through the corresponding form on the occasion of the request for information, subscription to the Newsletter or sending your curriculum vitae.

In the event of contracting IBEROLLINGPAPERS products and / or services, additional data such as NIF, fiscal address, contact telephone number and / or means of payment will be collected.

3. Purpose of the processing of personal data and legal basis for processing:

The purposes of the processing of personal data of the “Interested Party”, understood as a natural person who provides information to IBEROLLINGPAPERS that identifies him/her or makes him/her identifiable, as well as the legal basis that legitimizes such processing, are listed below.

3.1. Request for information:

In case you request information through any of the means that IBEROLLINGPAPERS makes available to you, the data provided will be processed in order to meet your request on the basis of the legitimate interest of IBEROLLINGPAPERS to that end.

3.2. Sending commercial communications:

IBEROLLINGPAPERS will only process your data to send commercial communications, provided that you have consented to such purpose in an informed, free, unambiguous and specific manner on the legal basis of the provision of such consent, and through a clear affirmative action, such as marking a box or checkbox or any other similar functionality.

3.3. Submit your resume:

In the event that you provide us with your curriculum vitae through the Website, we will process your data so that you can participate in possible selection processes, carrying out an analysis of your profile in order to determine whether you fit as a candidate for any vacant positions.

3.4. Contracting of services: in case you contract any of the products and/or services of IBEROLLINGPAPERS, your data will be processed to enable the provision of the contracted service and to send notifications regarding the service, as well as to manage the billing and payment of the same.

In the event of contracting a service, we will also process your personal data for the purpose of sending IBEROLLINGPAPERS commercial communications, if you have not objected to it, both at the time of collecting your data and at any time thereafter.

We remind you that you have the right to object to the sending of commercial communications at any time.

The legal basis for the processing of your data for the provision of the service, billing management, payment and sending notifications about the service, is the execution of a contract or pre-contract in which you are a party as a stakeholder.

The legal basis for sending commercial communications from IBEROLLINGPAPERS, if you have contracted any of our services, is the legitimate interest of IBEROLLINGPAPERS for direct marketing purposes.

4. Data retention period:

The personal data provided will be kept as long as there is a mutual interest do so, and during the term for which liabilities for the products/services contracted by the Interested Party may arise.

The personal data of candidates who send us their curriculum vitae will be kept until the end of the selection process in progress or at most 2 years after the end of such process.

When it is no longer necessary for such purposes, it will be deleted with appropriate security measures to ensure the pseudonymization of the data or its total destruction.

5. Recipients: Recipient means the natural or legal person, public authority, service or other body to whom personal data is communicated, whether or not it is a third party.

Your data will not be communicated to any other third party outside IBEROLLINGPAPERS, unless there is a legal obligation or you have expressly authorized it.

6. Data processors: there are data processors, understood as entities that process the personal data under the responsibility of IBEROLLINGPAPERS, following its instructions, as service providers necessary for the provision of the service requested by the Data Subject, with whom IBEROLLINGPAPERS has signed a data processing contract in accordance with the provisions of the applicable regulations on data protection.

7. International Transfers:international data transfers involve a flow of personal data from the Spanish territory to recipients established in countries outside the European Economic Area (the countries of the European Union plus Liechtenstein, Iceland and Norway).

IBEROLLINGPAPERS does not carry out international data transfers in its processing.

8. Rights: you are entitled as a data subject to exercise the following rights that the regulations on data protection give you, as provided therein:

– Right to revoke at any time the consent given for the processing of such data, when the basis of legitimacy of the processing is based on that consent.

– Right of ACCESS to personal data processed by IBEROLLINGPAPERS.

– Right to request the RECTIFICATION of inaccurate data processed by IBEROLLINGPAPERS.

– Right to request the DELETION of the data, when, among other reasons, the data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected by IBEROLLINGPAPERS.

– In certain circumstances, you may request the LIMITATION OF THE PROCESSING of the data, in which case IBEROLLINGPAPERS will only keep them for the exercise or defense of claims.

– In certain circumstances and for reasons related to your particular situation as a data subject, you may exercise the right to OPPOSE the processing of data. In this case, IBEROLLINGPAPERS will stop processing the data, except for compelling legitimate reasons, or the exercise or defense of possible claims.

– In certain circumstances and for reasons related to your particular situation as a data subject, you may request the right to the portability of the data. This is a complementary right to the right of access, as it allows you to obtain the data provided to IBEROLLINGPAPERS in a structured format, commonly used and machine-readable, and can be transmitted directly to another entity upon request of the Interested Party.

You may exercise such rights by any means that leaves evidence of its sending and receipt, clearly expressing your will in this regard and accompanying a copy of your ID card and / or any other documentation proving your identity, by contacting the email address or postal address indicated above.

In addition, in case you consider that any of your rights regarding data protection have been violated, you are entitled to file a complaint before the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD), located at C/ Jorge Juan, 6, 28001-Madrid or through the electronic headquarters of the AEPD:

9. Security: In order to safeguard the security of the personal data of the Interested Parties, IBEROLLINGPAPERS has adopted all the necessary technical and organizational measures to guarantee the security of the personal data provided.

All of this is to avoid its alteration, loss, and / or unauthorized processing or access, as required by law, although absolute security does not exist.

10. Updating of personal data: In order to keep the personal data of the Interested Party up to date, he/she has the possibility to modify or rectify them through his/her user profile or by contacting IBEROLLINGPAPERS.

11. Confidentiality: We also inform you that the data of the Stakeholders will be treated with the utmost care and confidentiality by all staff involved in any phase of treatment.

Updated on June 2022