This is how Spannabis 2024 went for Iberpapel

A few days ago, one of the most anticipated events of the year in the cannabis industry finally arrived: Spannabis 2024. And for Iberpapel, this year not only marked a prominent presence but also became an experience filled with significant encounters, valuable connections, and enriching exchanges.

As in previous years, we attended with our own rolling paper brand Pay-Pay.

During three intense days, from the moment we were in the exhibition hall, it was clear that this year would be exceptional. Our team was ready to dive into the hustle and bustle of the event, eager to connect with existing and potential customers, as well as to explore the latest trends and developments in the cannabis market.


From day one, our booth became a vibrant meeting point. It was gratifying to see familiar faces, greet old friends and business partners, and also meet new faces in this fascinating landscape.

We were located at Stand No. 74, just like in previous years, where we shared space with our distributor in Spain, Algarix.



In addition to the activity at the exhibition hall, the three days were filled with strategic meetings. From discussions about products and services to key business negotiations, we seized every moment to strengthen our business relationships and explore new collaboration opportunities.

But beyond the meetings, what stood out most from our experience at Spannabis 2024 was the sense of community. In a world where competition is often emphasized, this event reminded us of the importance of collaboration and mutual support within the cannabis industry.

We remind you that if you couldn’t visit us, you can still get in touch with us.


See you next Spannabis !


Do you want to create
your own rolling paper?

Choose booklet format and type of paper and we take care of manufacturing it. Fully customized and ready to market.